Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I guess we will take the van!

We got in the Blazer to go down for our walk and it wouldn't start, even the lights in the dash were dim.  We moved over to the van and had a nice walk with Pam, Don and Peggy.  When we got home, I put the charger on the Blazer, in a couple of seconds there was some clicking and the charger kicked out.  I tried it again and there was more clicking, but the charger didn't kick out.  I went around to look at the dash lights and discovered it had locked me out of the car!  The key wouldn't even work.  After a couple more tries of hooking the battery up and hearing clicking, it finally let me in.  That is when I decided the door locks were the problem.
After studying the manual and messing with things I noticed the drivers door lock switch was sticking at times.  I took the door panel off and pulled the switch, lubing it did not change the way it acted, then I discovered they want $50 for that little switch, so I decided to bypass it.  Since the door was apart, I installed new window wipes.  That pretty much took care of the whole day, I relaxed in my chair the rest of the evening.

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