Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Another Fred Meyer pickup

We were up early this morning to pick up a grocery order at Fred Meyer.  We stopped at Home Depot on the way so I could return a couple breakers.  As we were waiting for our order at Fred Meyer Vera commented that the sky looked nice so I took this picture.  The young man who brought the order was very friendly and had us loaded up in no time.  We are liking this kind of shopping more every time we use it.  Normally we figure on shopping trips taking three or four hours, today we were home in under two hours.
Vera made these for lunch with leftovers and they tasted great! They were so  good we had them for dinner as well.
I started sanding on the bottom of the Kitfox wing today.  I decided after just a little sanding that I don't like finishing under cambered wings.  I had to go back and redo some of my blogs that the pictures had disappeared from.  I understand Blogspot had some problems a while back.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Flowers and Birds

This is one of the azaleas North of the house, it gets a little more sunshine than the other and it really shows.  I had a busy day, we did the recycling, picked up wood pellets and got a couple of things I needed for the motor home service.  I washed the gutters and got the bird bath taken apart so we can repair a leak.  I took quite a few pictures of flowers and birds today, they are fun to watch.  We planted some squash that I ordered by mistake.  We also have been checking to see if the nasturtiums were coming up yet.
This rhododendron was the first one to bloom.
Vera's volunteer pansies are doing great. 
It is always nice when the lilac starts blooming, they smell so good.
This Stellar Jay was trying to run all the other birds away from the area under the bird feeder until it noticed me.  That was the last I saw of it.
A pair of Flickers were feeding on things between the stones on the walk.
The rhubarb is looking good, I am looking forward to some rhubarb crisp. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Trex 500

I have been working on my Trex 500 since we got back from Arizona.  I made up aluminum mounts for the body and landing gear.  Then I installed a new flybarless rotor head and control system.  The flybarless head runs really smooth but I am still working on getting the control system set up.
Vera soaked the Nasturtiums last night and we planted them today.  Of course we didn't remember to take a picture until well after sunset.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Flying at Toledo

The new hose for the motor home leveler I cut before we left for Arizona came yesterday.  I went right to work on it this morning even though it was raining lightly.  It is actually nice and dry when you are under the motor home.  The job went great and I was done a little after noon.  We made a run to NAPA for some transmission fluid for the pump and it worked great.
The field had been closed for the last month, they opened it up again this week so I went flying today.  Having the awning repaired sure made setting up a lot easier.
We saw night flying twice while we were in Arizona.  The plane we were really impressed with is not made now.  Not long after we got back HobbyKing had their Night Walrus on sale.  I got one and today was the first flight on it.  It flew great but the LEDs don't show up that well in the daylight.
This is a picture I took right after I finished building it.  I think it will show up fine at night.
The runway was really in need of mowing.  I ended up going over it twice to get most of the clumps of grass off.
Leonard and Audrey showed up a little later, this is Audrey shooting a touch and go.
 Bruce was there also to test flying his 25 year old Cub.  He had worn out the first engine and had replaced it with the next size bigger.  He also replaced the old AM radio with a modern 2.4 GHz radio.  Like most Carl Goldberg models this one flew great.
This eagle was sitting in a tree North of the field most of the afternoon.  The crows were not liking it so there was lot of action going most of the time.  It sure felt good to get out and fly again.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Spading up the flower beds

The magnolia is in bloom, pretty but it doesn't last long so I try to get a picture when it is at it's best.
Yesterday I spaded up the flower bed along the driveway.  Vera has some Nasturtiums coming that we are going to plant there.  Today I got the rototiller out and worked up the area some more.
Vera made me these cookies tonight, oatmeal, peanut butter, chocolate chip and raisins.  They are so good I am having a hard time staying away from them.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

My Mask

I got a bad outlet replaced in the carport.  My new kneeling pad came too so I used it to put the extenders on the motor home duals.  Now I can check them easier and once I am sure they don't leak I can put the TPM (Tire Pressure Monitor) sensors on.
We went to Fred Meyer this morning and picked up our grocery order.  We went home over Delameter Road as we were going up Ocean Beach Hwy I took this picture to show how little traffic there was.
Vera found a pattern for a mask that was CDC approved and knitted one for me.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Electric Flight Festival

There is a YouTube video that shows the B-36 flying and some good video of other parts of the Festival.

Electric Flight Festival on YouTube

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Motor Home Awning

I put the new ratchet assembly on the motor home awning today.
This is the old ratchet assembly, the cam is pretty well worn out.  I also don't care much for the locking method, the new one had a toothed wheel that a dog drops into.  The job went great using the same spring winding process we used to adjust the tension last week.
Michelle and Mik came up this afternoon to pick up James' computer and brought Papa Pete's Pizza.  We ate on the deck, they also brought an Easter gift of a new trellis which we put by the little pond.

Mothers Day

  Mik, Michelle and James took Vera to the Pancake House for breakfast today.  James was the first one there and we had a good time talking ...