Sunday, September 7, 2014

Club Meeting

We were up early and off to Toledo for a 9 AM club meeting. Big surprise as we went North, it was foggy and cold, just about everyone at the meeting had coats on.
After the meeting, the fence and signs were put back up, we have to take them down each year for the threshing bee.
Our friend Bob was in a good mood, he had a new plane that I test flew for him.  It flew pretty good, just a couple of minor issues to fix.
This is the old threshing machine they keep parked by the road, next to the modern transformer.  After the field was back in flying condition, I flew for a couple of hours until it started getting warm and it was close to time that James said he was stopping by.  We had a nice visit with him during the evening.

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  I was out by the Smart Car when I saw an Apache Gunship fly by heading North.  I heard it turn and pretty soon it went by going South.  It...