Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Shopping

We walked this morning, no rain, but boy was the wind cold.  The first thing I did when we got home, was go over to see what was going on at the Robinson's.
The girls were in the bath when I got there, as soon as they were dressed, Ava wanted me to come in and see their Christmas tree.  They showed me the ornaments they had made, a red tree down low and the green tree right behind the snowman.
Dianne had made cookies so the twins were right over there to frost them, that it fun to watch, plus I got a couple of cookies out of the deal.  Right before I left, they put on a dancing show for us that is always fun to watch.  When I got home and got finished with yesterday's blog, Vera and I got the Christmas lists out and did all our shopping at Amazon.  Now all we have to do is wait for the brown truck to show up.  I made a trip over to Jerry's this afternoon to pick up the club secretary files and see his planes.  I had a great time, I think Jerry is the only person I know with more projects than me!  I stopped by Mik, Michelle and James' on the way home to drop off a check and had a nice visit.  When I left there and was coming down Nevada Drive, I suddenly realized I was really hungry.  I almost turned toward Kelso, but decided it would not take much longer to get to the Castle Rock Burger King.  Boy, that milk shake tasted good, I had it half done before they brought the burger and fries.  When I got home, I had missed a call from Bob, so when I finished eating, I called him and found out his new plane is ready to test fly on the next nice day.  I hope that is not next May or something like that!

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