Saturday, August 27, 2011

Garage Sales

Friday it was off to some more garage sales.  One was an estate sale with lots of interesting memorabilia.  We did not buy much today, but had a good time.  I spent the rest of the day getting ready for the family garage sale on Saturday.
 This is how things looked at about 8 AM Saturday morning.  Shoppers started showing up 20 minutes before the official opening of 8 AM.  There was a steady stream of customers all day and most of the stuff we took down was sold by the end of the day.  We did have some excitement, we were down getting our mail and we heard the ambulance dispatched to our nephew's house.  We ran back to the garage sale to see what was wrong.  He had suddenly developed pain and swelling in his leg and could not walk on it.  They took him to the hospital for tests and so far everything came back negative.  He is back home resting and will see an orthopedic surgeon on Monday.  I spent part of the afternoon getting ready for flying at Goble Sunday and then watched the Seahawks. 

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