Thursday, April 11, 2013


 Well, I finally got the clock done today!  We swept the deck and rearranged the flower pots, now we are ready to pick out some new flowers for this summer.  I did some more downloading to the new computer, the picture file has grown since the last time I checked, there were 94,000 pictures in the folder.  Some of those are duplicates that have been edited.
 This afternoon, we went to James' baseball game, they were playing Woodland, James played first the whole game.
This is James' friend Dalton at third base, it was a good afternoon for baseball, sunny the whole time.  They ended up winning 5 to 3.  After the game, we went to McDonalds for a quick dinner as James had Babe Ruth practice tonight.  If you have not tried it, McDonalds has an Angus Burger Deluxe that is really good.

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