Saturday, July 23, 2011


We were headed to my nephew Charbo and Kelly's wedding in Stevenson at 10:00 this morning.  Michelle had offered us a ride, which I quickly accepted.  We met at their house and transferred the 5 boxes of cupcakes we're hauling down and our chairs to the Expedition and left right at 10:30 like Mik had planned.  Nice not having to drive and being able to look at scenery. 
It was a beautiful day for a wedding.
It made it extra special when they included their kids in the ceremony.
Kelly's face never showed in the pictures I took during the ceremony, so I included this one.
 When we headed back, Mik asked if we wanted to take the Oregon side and the girls did.  We stopped at Multnomah Falls and walked to the first viewing area to take pictures.  The knee held up great and I think it would have been OK walking to the bridge.
It is a great place for taking picture and the sun was just right to highlight the falls.  We stopped in Troutdale for Caramel apples, ice cream for me and candy.  It was a very nice day and we had a great time at the wedding and during the ride to and from.  Thanks Mik and Michelle!

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