Friday, July 22, 2011

Our big Haul!

After a leisurely morning watering plants and checking email, I checked the tracking on my Monokote for the B-36 and it was at the Post Office.  Vera had heard there were lots of garage sales, so we took her list with us and headed out.  I took a wrong turn so we missed one and ended up at one on Schaffran Rd, where I got some good cookies!  Then we tried the one I had missed and it was one we had been to before and didn't buy anything so we skipped it.  After I picked up my Monokote, we went to several sales in the Castle Rock area.
This was our haul for today!  After we unloaded, I put up the wind chimes and plaque.  Then I started messing with the Weedeater I bought.  It took a little while, but I got it running OK.  I noticed Steve had the twins out by the sandbox, so I headed over and joined the fun.  After that, I glued on the elevators of the B-36.
Big elevators on this thing, would you believe they are almost as long at the Lancair wing!
I also loaded some more Warbirds into the motor home for the Warbird Fly-In this weekend.  After our slow start, it turned into a great day!

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  I was out by the Smart Car when I saw an Apache Gunship fly by heading North.  I heard it turn and pretty soon it went by going South.  It...