Saturday, January 11, 2014

Wind, Rain and No Power!

Friday, I had an appointment with my eye doctor, I worked on the helicopter until it was time to leave.  I figured a new way to run the pushrod for the tail rotor pitch control, so I had to take out some bends I had put in it.  Later, I was telling Vera about it, she said "why didn't you just turn it around since the other end needs to be bent", what was I thinking!  After my appointment, we had dinner at Freddy's just for the halibut.  My eyes had been dilated, so Vera got to drive us home via Safeway.

Saturday, well this day started different, I looked at the clock at 7:01 AM, I laid there a few minutes, got up and there was no lights!  I had breakfast and started planning what I would do if it was out all day.  It came on after about an hour!
I had checked the tracking on my new Seahawks gear and it was at the post office, so we made a run to town to picked it up.
After we got home, Vera made a batch of cookies, her timing was great, because not long after they were done, the power went out again.  By then it was getting close to time for the Seahawks game to start, so I moved the motor home over and hooked the generator to the refrigerator, a heater and the TV.
I put on my new lucky Seahawks socks and settled in to watch the game.  The power came back on, but I decided to leave the TV hooked to the motor home until the game was over.
After Wilson ran out of bounds at the two minute warning, they panned the crowd and I thought I saw my nephew Charb who was at the game.  I backed up and ran it again and sure enough there he was!  It was a good game, a little closer than I would have liked at the end, but the Seahawks won!
After the game, I disconnected the generator, put the extension cords away and I was getting ready to put the motor home away when I saw Steve, I walked over to see what he thought of the game and out came the twins, they were spending the night.  I went in and visited with them and Dianne for a few minutes, then finished putting the motor home away.  I was out in the shop staring at my P-51C when in came Rielee, Ava and Harper to play with the magnets.  They had been in the house delivering cupcakes that they made sure Vera understood were done up in Seahawks colors.  They taste great, a nice ending to a good day.

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