Friday, November 9, 2012

Oops, over slept!

I had a 7:35 appointment for an eye exam this morning!  Neither of us heard the alarm so we did not wake up until 6:45!  No breakfast or emails this morning, as we hustled to get there on time.  We were there about 20 minutes early, which is good because they say to be there 15 minutes early to check in.  The problem was, the doors were locked and don't open until 7:30, kind of hard to check in early!  After checking in, I did not have to wait long until my appointment, it went fine and my prescription has changed so I will be getting new glasses.  We only had two stops planned after the appointment, so we were home around 10:00.  I spent part of the day raking leaves, getting all the hose reels put away and spraying the moss on the shop roof.
I made good headway on the Turbo Bee this evening before settling in for some TV.

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