Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A big list and a busy day!

I did not take a picture today, so I will use this one of the lenticular clouds over Mt. Rainier yesterday.  I had a doctor appointment this morning for my annual physical, but they called this morning and cancelled it as the doctor was called to the hospital.  We decided to walk and then go to town and do the things on our list.  I did not eat breakfast this morning thinking they might want to do fasting blood work.  I was really hungry by the time we were done with the walk, so we headed for the Pancake House.  I had their Chicken Fried Steak with hash browns, two eggs and toast, boy was I full when we left there.  Then it was time for our haircuts, from there we went to Fred Meyer and ended up getting six of the items on our list.  After getting a battery for Vera's watch at Radio Shack, we went to Micheal's to look for some elastic cord for the shocks on the Super Cub, I got one size there, then went to Joann's and found a little bigger size.  While we were in the Athletes Corner getting me some new walking shoes I remembered I was supposed to get a blood test today, so it was off to Kaiser from there.  After we unloaded at home, we started setting up the plastic boxes we had picked up for Vera's new shelves.  I had to modify one set a little, then everything went great.  I had a club meeting in Longview tonight, I had a good time visiting and it was a nice short meeting.  I was still full from the late breakfast, so I did not have the carrot cake tonight, I had a chocolate shake instead.  I am sure glad I have lots of recordings to watch tonight, the network over analyzing everything gets really tiring!

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