Monday, December 23, 2013

Baking Day!

I did not feel like doing a blog after the Seahawks disaster Sunday.  Today was much better, William came down and I helped him with a couple of his planes.  We checked the current draw on 3 planes, we had one speed control burn up when we plugged it in, but I had one to replace it that I gave him.  I cut out the parts and showed him how to brace up one plane so the elevator would not shift.  After William's mom picked him up we were getting ready to head to town for baking supplies, when Michelle called and said they were stopping by for a few minutes.  Her vacuum had broken and she wanted to borrow ours.  I had fixed up the old Rainbow, so I sent it home with her.  After we made our run to town, Vera started baking after she finished the apple cake on the left, I went in and made the Wheat Chex dessert I had found on Facebook.  It tastes as good as the pictures on FaceBook looked!  Then Vera made the fudge in the middle and I got to scrape the bowl, it is another winner!  Now I am ready to settle into my chair and relax.

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