Thursday, June 16, 2016

Debbie's Graduation

I made good headway today, I have everything except the ailerons covered.
This evening we went to our granddaughter Debbie's LCC RN class graduation.  Before the program started they had a slide show running of the students during the year, it was really enjoyable to watch.
This is the cake they had at a party for the graduates.
A selfie of Debbie and her study pardner Kyla that was in the slide show.
There were several speakers during the graduation, but it moved right along and was very interesting.
They had family and friends present the pins to the graduates, her fiance Josh presented Debbie's.
Kyla's mom and son presented hers.
Bev, Debbie and Kyla after the ceremony, there was a big crowd out in the lobby congratulating the new RN's.
We are all really proud of Debbie!
We all went to dinner at Sizzler afterwards.

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