Monday, April 11, 2011


First thing this morning I stopped in to see the twins. It looks to me like they grew a couple of inches last week. After our trip to Kaiser for my INR blood test I was headed out to the shop when I spotted two deer by the roses.

I went back in, got the camera and got several pictures of them. I did some painting and work on the air intakes for the B-36. While I was in the house waiting for the paint to dry, Vera said the twins were outside.

They are getting pretty independent! Wanting to push their cars rather than ride in them.

Steve and Ava playing peek a boo around the van.

Harper got her hands dirty picking up rocks so she cleaned them on Steve's pants. I made one more stop to see them later while I was on a walk. Then I went back to checking out hard drives.

I found 8 in the desk and one in the shop. Two of the 3 1/2 inch drives are bad and one of the 2 1/2 laptop drives doesn't work. I found a number of files on them that I transferred to this computer. Now I can store them away, but they will be marked as to what is on them. It was a nice afternoon, I hope you got a chance to enjoy the sunshine.

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