Friday, July 13, 2018

Roll Top

I had plans to start covering the delta today but that never happened.  First I mowed, then we made a run to town for the mail and I got a couple of things I have been waiting for, one is a bigger air tank for the P-39 so I can shoot some touch and goes without worrying about the gear not retracting. I did some work on it and had a couple of hours free while the glue dried.  So we made another trip to the Post Office to mail back a servo that did not work.  On the way home we stopped at a couple of garage sales.  At one sale they were selling some of Gwen Boss's things and I was attracted to this roll top desk.  Now I am in the middle of a major rearrangement of the shop which is good because we threw away some stuff that hasn't been used in about twenty years.

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