Tuesday, June 26, 2018

MXS done

We went flying today, one of the first things we noticed was the clouds.  The top picture is looking North and the bottom one is looking West, the forecast was for calm winds until about 1 AM but the wind started picking up shortly after we got set up.
I had some of my favorite planes out today since I finished the P-39 it has been right near the top of the list.
Here is the MXS-R all done and taxiing out for it's first flight.  It flew great just like the one I had before and is pretty far up the favorites list already.
This evening we met Bev, Michelle, James, Debbie, Josh and Jordon at the 49er for a combination Vera's birthday and Fathers day celebration.  Boy was it fun, lots of stories and laughter.
After dinner everyone stopped by our house for a few minutes to check out the toys we have collected for Jordon.  Jordon is getting around really good and it doesn't look like it will be long until he is walking.

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