Friday, June 15, 2018

James, loading planes and Coffee with the Pastor

Thursday morning we made a quick run to Longview and did a little shopping.  James called about ten minutes after we left wondering where we were.  He had stopped by to visit on the way to a birthday party.  Since he had some time to kill Vera told him to go in and watch TV.  When we got home he was sound asleep on the davenport.  We let him sleep until he got a phone call wondering if he was OK because he was late.  After some quick hugs he headed off.  I loaded some planes for the tailgate swap meet into the motor home during the afternoon, then I took two more loads of limbs to the burn pile.  James stopped on the way home with some maple pepperoni for us, boy is it good!
This morning I went to "Coffee with the Pastor" at the Vault.  This was the last one with Pastor Pam before she goes to her next assignment.
There was a pretty good turnout and Sharon took this picture so I could be in it.
After coffee we ran up to the flying field to see if we could help with the field maintenance for the swap meet and picnic Saturday.  They were all done, so I flew a few flights with the Cub I had brought.  Jim and Teresa had brought their four grandsons to see the flying, they really seemed to enjoy it so maybe we will be seeing some new flyers at the field.  We left after four flights so I could finish loading the swap meet stuff.
While I was loading planes in the motor home I heard Parker running the excavator so I walked over to see what he was doing.  He had gotten all the stumps pulled out and was leveling things out.
I found two more planes to sell so I am now up to ten.  When I finally quit for the night I had everything loaded for the swap meet and picnic, so all we have to do is disconnect the power and take off in the morning.

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