Tuesday, February 18, 2014


My birthday started out with a walk, the river was quite a bit higher than last week and muddy with lots of debris and foam.  It was raining, but just lightly, so we did not get too wet.
About 10:00, we went down to Cascade to help Michelle identify and sort the parts for robotic kits the kids will be working with.  This is just one kit spread out on three tables, there are twenty more that need to be done once she figures out how to store them.
About noon we went down to Lowe's to see if they had any toolboxes that would work for storing the parts.  On the way down the hill, the Blazer quit twice, Vera had asked as we left home if we had enough gas, of course, I said "We have plenty!".  We did make it to Fred Meyer and filled up while Michelle and James checked at Lowe's, they did not have anything that would work.  Michelle, Mik and James took us to the Masthead for a birthday lunch.  We had a nice time visiting, I got a new Seahawks hat and a combat helicopter from them.
After lunch, we went back to Cascade for the Cheesecake brownies Vera had brought along.  Mik had gotten James a helicopter also, so we did some flying after we ate.
James did some homework while we were there.  Then James brought the Maxima up to our place so we could take a look at the tail light that was not working.  The bulbs were looking really dark, so James made a run down to Castle Rock in the Blazer for new bulbs, and we found a bad contact that we cleaned up and everything worked great.  Cathy and Bob stopped by about that time with a box of candy for me.  We had a good time showing them the Blog books I had printed.  While James was here, Vera measured his height and he had grown about and inch in the last year.

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