James spent last night with us. Today he and Parker were out testing James' Christmas presents.
The scooter made several trips between the charger and the driveway.
The boys had a great time doing wheelies with Razor electric scooter.

James with his new Powerwing

Powerwing wheelie?
James with his new Powerwing
Powerwing wheelie?
At noon, Barry and Mona came down to pickup their Bunnies from Bev. Bev, Debbie and Josh brought the bunnies up to our place for the transfer. We had a pizza lunch and a nice visit with everyone.
I did a funny one at the store yesterday, we had brought some groceries at Sentry and were checking out. I swiped my debit card and entered my pin number and it came back denied. I looked at the card and I had pulled an Applebee's gift card out that was next to my debit card.