Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lots of fun visiting!

We walked this morning and it was getting pretty warm before we finished.  I watered the flowers first thing when we got home, it is a good thing I did as it got over 90 here.  I got the new bulb for the overhead projector this morning, so I had to go try it after the watering, I am happy to report that it worked fine.  I had a call from Barry that he was heading our way today, so I made sure the power cord was laid out.  After lunch, I did some more work on the Suzuki, I got the front mud guards pulled off and started pulling the rear rack off until it got too hot in the car port.  I went in and started getting the seat ready for the new cover when Vera reminded me it was almost 2 when cousin Arnold Reinikka was supposed to be at cousin Sandi's house.  We headed down and it turned out that Arnold was delayed and would not be there until 6 or after.  We had a nice visit with Bob and Sandi before we ran home to see if Barry had shown up.
He was all set up when we got there and had been down to get a Papa Pete's pizza as he had not eaten all day.  We visited and watched a little Red Bull Air Racing I had recorded.  I got a call from Sandi that Arnold had arrived and they were going to dinner. Just as I was leaving to join them, Barry came by looking for Bentley, his cat, who had gotten out of the motor home.  I located him right under the middle of the shop and he refused to come out when Barry called him.  Barry left him there and he came out on his own later.
I went down and joined Bob, Sandi, Arnold and his wife at the El Compadre where they were having dinner.  Since I had already eaten, I just had a Flan dessert.  Arnold was interested in knowing all about the Piercy family, so I got him caught up the best I could.  I had a really nice time and as it does when you are enjoying yourself, time went by way too fast.  Arnold and his wife had to get going to Portland to turn in their rental car and spend the night before flying home to Pennsylvania.

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