Saturday, November 30, 2013

More Corsair

I started fitting the vertical fin today, they have quite a procedure in the manual and I followed it to the letter.  This is the test fit where it gets marked so I know how much covering to remove for the glue.  I took a break at noon and ran up to William's to give him a little advice about a problem he was having with his speed control.  I also took him a bunch of my radio control magazines that I am done reading.
After I got the covering trimmed and tested the fit one more time, I epoxied it in.  The instructions have you put tape around the opening to keep the epoxy off the finish.  They want you to remove it after 30 minutes and clean up the joint.  As I was coming back to do that, I remember I had not checked to see if the fin was straight.  The epoxy was still soft enough that I could make a small adjustment, but my square would not go clear against the fin because of the fuselage side.  I hustled around and got my laser level out, I had to put the tape on because the laser did not show on the blue covering.  It turned out my eyeball adjustment with the square was right on, that was a good thing to end the day on!

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