Saturday, November 23, 2013

Another great day of flying!

This is how Rainier looked at 11:00 today when we arrived at the LCRC flying field.  Four other members were there flying already and we ended up with 10 people out there today.
I had brought the heater, but it was so nice out that I never did light it.  I did have to add another layer to be comfortable.  I got in 10 flights while we were there.
I got the little Spitfire finished last night and tried one test flight after dark using the shop motion light.  It got kind of exciting when I flew a little too high and could not see it.  This morning while I was waiting for it to warm up, I put a couple of test flights on it in front of the shop, while making adjustments.  I flew it twice at the field today and it flies great.
When the sun got lower it started started getting cool pretty fast so we headed home.  I unloaded, put the motor home away, exercised and fed Sam before heading in for the evening.  As I was coming in the sun was setting, not a spectacular sunset, but a nice way to end the day. 

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