Monday, May 27, 2024

Brakes and Flying


Yes, yesterday I got the brake job on the Smart Car finished.  The left side went faster as I had all the tools out and knew how it came apart.  I did have to go back and redo part of the right side because I had a spring in the wrong position.

Today I did some cleanup in the shop and made 4 or 5 fights with the planes pictured.  The Stearman flew great after being repaired.  I flew the Vapor on the right several times, but the last flight was getting hard to see as the sun set.  I got out the Night Vapor with lights and made a nice 10 minute flight as it got dark.  It was a nice laid back Memorial Day for us.

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It has been pretty quiet here since Vera's birthday.  I did some sanding on the Smart Car's roof and it is ready for paint again.  I...