Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Pitts, Moon and Solar Lights

Well, there was not much improvement in the cold overnight but I slept good.  I was out in the shop early working on the Pitts pilot.  Around eleven we made a mail and pop run to town.  We had seen a garage sale advertised on Facebook so we stopped to look around there first.  We were big spenders today, it cost us two dollars and seventy five cents.  A dollar of that was cookies for me.  The mail was next, then the grocery store, two cases of pop and then we wandered around picking up some things, it cost us sixty five dollars to get out of there.
I had planned out the cooling for the Pitts so today I started building it, this is the start of the duct work.
My plan is to close off all the holes except the big oval one.  Then the air that comes into the cowl will have to go through that hole where the speed control will be located and cool it.  Then it will turn 180 degrees and come over the battery and out the duct I made.
Here I have added the small door that the real plane has there to let the air out.  I will also have two dummy exhaust pipe sticking out there.
This is how it will look with the cowl on.  The white square area will be repainted and have a vee running towards the outlet.
It is starting to look better with the cowl and canopy on.  I tried to get a better picture of the pilot but the glare from the lights was always blocking him out.
On the way into the house I noticed the moon again tonight so I came back out with the camera and took some more pictures.
After the moon pictures the solar lights caught my eye, they are sure bright with all the sunshine we have been getting.

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Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

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