Tuesday, April 24, 2018


I felt like I was all over the cold so we went flying today at Toledo.  It got up to 79 degrees before the day was over.  It wasn't long before everyone was wearing tee shirts.  Of course most of us had on black ones which was not the smartest move.
We had twelve flyers out today, this is Leonard shooting a touch and go.
Today I got a picture of the White-tailed Kite that all the bird watchers were looking for a couple of weeks ago.
Vera and Audrey saw it dive down into the field across the road and then fly off.  I tried to get a picture while it was flying but couldn't get focused on it.  It landed in a fir tree over by the airport and had it's lunch.
Audrey had told Vera about Chester's fried chicken so we stopped, got some and then went down to the South Lewis County Park to eat.  We sat on the bank eating while watching the ducks, geese and fishermen.  The family on the dock near us caught a fish so they must stock the lake.

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Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

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