Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday flying

70 degree weather was forecast for today so of course I went flying.  I mowed and rolled the runway before I started flying.  I got two of my best landings today with this Mustang which takes some real concentration to land.  I also had some terrible looking landings with the little yellow Mustang, some days it's just the opposite, the little one lands best.
Eleven club members showed up today and everyone was in a great mood, lots of visiting and flying went on.
My new moving blanket works great as a cover for the table.  Sixty Six ended up being the high at the weather station across the road.
When we got home I noticed the Easter lilies were turning pink so I got the camera out for some pictures.
It turned out that just the ones in front of the shop where they get a lot of sun are turning.  In the shady areas some are just blooming.

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Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

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