Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kids, Marie, Flying and the Pitts

4-2-2018  Jillian and Bridget had spent the night with Ava and Harper after the Easter Party.   This morning they came over to see us, I took several pictures and this is the best one.  I could never get them all standing still at the same time.  Bridget was telling us all about the movie they watched and about getting to stay up until ten.  A couple of hours later, we headed up to Centralia to take care of some things for Marie.

4-3-2018  This is about the highest the overcast got today and this was first thing in the morning.  It was cold out, but hardly any wind, I was sure liking my heated vest.  I have been teaching a new flyer and he did great today.  He was shooting touch and goes by the end of the day.  I flew eight flights today and my bearing repair of the Mustang's motor worked great, no more strange noises.
Vera took some pictures of the Lenten Rose after we got home, Michelle gave it to her years ago.
Today Vera had bible study, I made a call to Prestige first thing and got a problem with Marie's account cleared up.  Then I made up a platform for the tractor to haul wood pellets on.  It worked great and I filled the shop cart.  I got started washing a couple loads of clothes while Vera was gone.  After we finished that I worked on the Pitts getting the tail wheel installed, the gear fairings painted and the aileron linkage figured out.

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Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...