Monday, April 30, 2018

Estate Sale

Saturday I spotted an estate sale on the way to get the mail, on the way home I had a sudden urge to stop.  I ended up finding a box of radio control car stuff for ten dollars.  After I got it home I discovered it is a four wheel drive car in fairly good condition.  I am not sure about the radio yet as there were some leaking batteries in the transmitter.
I got the cooling duct work all done on the Pitts, now it is time to fit the cowl which I did Sunday after church.
Monday we made a mail run, this is the weekend mail for Marie.  She got on lists of people who donate and all of these were requests for money.  Later I went out and tried the motor in the Pitts only to discover it would not generate enough power on four cells to fly the plane.  I immediately began searching online for one that would work.  After I figured out the KV I needed I found one in my motor drawer that should be fine.

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Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

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