Friday, April 20, 2018

The Birds are back

I still didn't have too much energy today but I heard a helicopter coming and that got me out of the house again.
I started looking for other things to photograph and spotted the sun on the flower Mona had given Vera.  It and the parrot made a nice scene.
Vera had been telling me about the Purple Finches on the feeder, this Chestnut-backed Chickadee was on it when I checked, then it flew up into the vine maple and I took this picture of it.
The Purple Finches came back right after that, they sure like the black sunflower seeds.
I didn't know what it was but I got a good picture of it while it was hopping around in the grass.  Then we looked it up on Google and it is a White Crowned Sparrow
Later I went out and my favorites the Gold Finches were at the feeder.  I sure like the 2000 mm lens as I got a pretty good picture after they flew into the bushes.
This Robin landed on the deck by the pond and stood really still for this picture before taking a bath in the upper pond.
These Pine Siskins sure don't share the feeder very well with others of the same type.  They spend more time chasing others off than they do eating.  I finally made it to the shop for a little while this evening and got the radio all programmed for the Pitts.

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