Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Jacob's Preschool Graduation


James stopped by when he got done observing at the Castle Rock Elementary.  He helped me get the radiator support and bumper put back on the Smart Car.  After we finished that and Vera got home from bible study we had cookies and a nice visit before he had to go home and do homework.  After he left Vera and I noticed this butterfly, the first one we have seen this year.

That evening we went up to Jacob's preschool graduation at Toutle.  The kids are singing the pledge of allegiance in this picture. 
This is during another song, they also had a very nice video presentation of their activities during the year.
In this picture Jacob is getting his diploma from the teachers.  They also asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, Jacob said he wanted to be an artist.  Fireman was probably the most common occupation I heard.

Here is Jacob in his cap and gown holding his diploma.
Jacob had a good support group tonight.
They had prepared a binder filled with their work and pictures from activities they did during the year.
Jacob's awesome school picture this year.

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