Monday, May 18, 2020


This is the rhododendron and pink dogwood East of our house.
After taking the picture from the deck I decided to get some closeups of the blossoms. 
This one has not opened fully but it is sure colorful.
This is the Phlox by the shop deck, the spelling had me baffled until Vera helped me out.
I sure like the columbine, they are so delicate looking.
This rhododendron is North of my shop.  I had to cut them back when the shop was roofed and they sure put on a lot of blooms this year.
This one is just as we turn into our parking area.
This is my favorite, it is in among the brush next to the driveway and gets no care but keeps getting bigger each year.  One picture from the East side of the house turned into quite a little tour of our flowers.
Vera had her camera out and got a picture of the poppy that was blooming.

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