Saturday, May 30, 2020

New Blogger Interface

Blogger has a new Blogger Interface that I am trying to figure out so things might look a little strange at times.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Flowers and Flying

There wasn't any major activity to post about this week.  I am still waxing on the motor home and doing a little work on the Kit fox.
I downloaded Vera's camera and found a lot of pictures of the flowers blooming now.  This rose is one of our favorites, it has the nicest aroma.
Our red hot poker is just starting to bloom, the hummingbirds will be liking that.
I find it interesting that the fox glove only blooms every other year.
The iris are looking great this year.
I wondered if the calla lily would bloom after trying to come up once during the winter.
I don't know what it is but Vera got a nice close up of it.

5-28-2020  Vera made the best spaghetti today.

5-29-2020  We went flying today, there was a great turnout, I counted 18 people there during the day.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Mowing, Kitfox and Cameras

I mowed the lawn and trails today, next time I will set the deck a little higher to get rid of those brown spots.  After dinner I repaired one retract on the Vortex that collapsed yesterday.  It turned out to be a loose down limit switch had let the lock go too far.
I have been working on making the Kitfox stabilizer removable so it will be easier to store in the motor home.  It works great, the two halves slide right off the rods.
I mounted some of the cameras for our new security system today.  It records and I will be able to check on them with my phone when it is all set up.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

That 56 Years sure went by fast!


We called in a Take Out dinner at the 49er, we both got their Chicken Fried Steak with hash browns, clam chowder and apple pie.  They are huge, my steak filled the whole container, we will get two dinners out this meal.
Debbie, Josh and the boys stopped by to pick up Jacob's birthday presents.  Jacob saw Jordon playing on the airplane scooter that Dianne loaned us and headed right for it.  It wasn't long before he had climbed on and was having a great time with it.
Jordon got the Hot Wheels box out and sat on Vera's lap playing for a long time.

The rhododendrons by my shop put on lots of blooms after being trimmed last year for the reroofing.

Today was our fifty sixth wedding anniversary, time sure does fly.  With everything shut down for the virus there was nothing really to do so we went flying.
A bunch of the Longview flyers showed up today along with one flyer from Astoria.  There were a couple of crashes today one plane got too slow and snapped into the ground.  The other one was a midair when a P-38 and an Astro Hog collided.  The P-38 crashed but the Astro Hog only lost one wing tip and was able to land afterwards.  After a big dinner of the leftover Chicken Fried Steak we settled in for the night and after a nap or two I started getting caught up on the blog.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Motor Home Service and Wax

I have been working for a couple of weeks getting electrical plugins for the motor home power wired up.  I finally got all the parts and finished them up.
This is the one I put on the shop deck for Barry to use.
I have also started waxing the motor home.  You can see right where I stopped under the window.  This will probably be an on going project for quite a while.

Monday, May 18, 2020


This is the rhododendron and pink dogwood East of our house.
After taking the picture from the deck I decided to get some closeups of the blossoms. 
This one has not opened fully but it is sure colorful.
This is the Phlox by the shop deck, the spelling had me baffled until Vera helped me out.
I sure like the columbine, they are so delicate looking.
This rhododendron is North of my shop.  I had to cut them back when the shop was roofed and they sure put on a lot of blooms this year.
This one is just as we turn into our parking area.
This is my favorite, it is in among the brush next to the driveway and gets no care but keeps getting bigger each year.  One picture from the East side of the house turned into quite a little tour of our flowers.
Vera had her camera out and got a picture of the poppy that was blooming.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The F-4 Finally Flies!

Fridays are the mowing day at the club field.  Dan had already done the parking area and was finishing the pits when we got there.  I volunteered to do the runway while he did the other mowing.  I put the roller on and rolled as I mowed.  I ended up going over it twice but it was fairly smooth when I got done.  I was hoping to fly the new F-4 Phantom that I had hauled to Arizona and back but never got around to test flying.
It was overcast with light wind this morning, Chuck is just taking off with his Apprentice in the background

It is all set for it's first flight which went great!
Dan got this picture as it landed, he also took the one above.
The F-4 and Vortex make a good looking pair.  When I tried a second flight I forgot to put the flaps down for take off.  I forced it into the air and it stalled, luckily it was almost level when it went into the ground so there was very minor damage.
It cleared off this afternoon and we had a great view of Mt St Helens through the windshield.
I zoomed in and took this picture through the windshield, I sure do like the Nikon P900 for shots like this.
Fellow club member Ken sent me this cool picture of him on an F-4 when he was in the Navy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

El Compadre

We went down to the El Compadre and got Takeout dinner tonight.
We both had their Polo Loco which is our favorite and it was delicious.  As usual there was enough for two days.

I have been working on the Winter Build Challenge Kitfox even though the event has been canceled.  Tonight I got the aileron mounting brackets test fitted on one wing.
Vera had made rhubarb crisp again so I couldn't resist putting a picture of my evening snack on Facebook.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mowing and flowers

I decided to mow today but first I wanted to clean up a big branch that had fallen on the path North of the house.  Since I had the chain saw out I cut up a tree top that had fallen on one of our trails while we were in Arizona.
Mowing is a lot easier since I put the ball bearings in the steering wheel gearbox.
After taking my picture Vera went around taking pictures of some of our flowers.  This rhododendron is on the West side of our back yard.
The Prairie Fire Crab apple tree's branches hanging in front of the Port Orford cedar sure make a pretty picture.
We have two of this color azalea that we can see from our bedroom window.
These artificial birds and the pond are also visible from the window.
I have a solar powered light that shines on these rhododendrons at night.
It was a pretty warm day so I watered the new nasturtium bed again after I finished mowing.
Parker started burning the bush pile from his clearing this afternoon.  We lost four roses and our wisteria bush when he did the clearing.
We have two thistle feeders up but the gold finches seem to like the black sunflower seeds just as well.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...