Thursday, July 9, 2015

Flying the little Cessna 150

We went up to the Toledo flying field today, I have been anxiously waiting for a chance to try out the little Cessna 150 I got from Bob.  I put two flights on it and it flew great.  I kind of wondered how the little wheels in pants would handle the grass but I was able to take off and land with no problems plus I shot a few touch and goes with it.  It was cool enough when we first got there that I put on a sweat shirt, but it wasn't too long until that had to be taken off.  By 2 o'clock it was warming up pretty good so I put in one more flight with the Slow Stick testing the video transmitter and we headed home.  I got to talk to Bob after we got home, he came through the surgery fine and he was in great spirits and looking forward to getting home.

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