Sunday, June 6, 2010

Strawberry Shortcake

When we were at Costco they had some good looking strawberries. We got a 4 pound box and have been nibbling on them for a couple of days. We decided to have the last of them as Strawberry Shortcake today for lunch. Since there was left over cake from Marie's birthday, we added that. It was a pretty decadent lunch, but it was really good. I worked on planes most of the morning and early afternoon. On one trip into the house, I noticed the deer having a lunch of the roses, so I got couple of pictures.

After the deer left, I was looking at the pollywog's in the pond and decided to try a picture of them. It turned out the flash lit them up pretty good.

I got the SU-29 done today, now all I need is some good weather to test fly it.

I also got the Eurfighter painted so there will probably be a picture of it showing up soon.
After James' game on Saturday they had a Home Run Derby. Each kid was given ten balls off the pitching machine to hit one. James was first up and hit his first ball out. All the other kids went and only one other kid hit one over the fence. James asked for one more ball and hit that one out also. The other kid didn't so he won.

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