Saturday, November 30, 2019

Jeep Repair

Jordon's Jeep would not run after a power surge so they brought it down to see if I could fix it.  I repaired the charger plug in, replaced the charger and battery, that fixed everything except the remote control function which they said was fine.  Josh, Jordon and Jacob stopped by today to pick it up.  Jordon gave it a road test before we went in the house.
Jacob was really interested in what Jordon was doing and kept a close eye on him.
Jordon went right for the box of Hot Wheels when we got in the house.
Jacob trying on the new Carhartt hat Vera had gotten him.  Debbie mentioned him needing a hat for his bald head so Vera got right online and found it, an early Christmas present.
He must like it, he made no attempt to take it off.  I had a good time playing a game of growling with him.  Vera commented that he is really strong.
I got the cowling area fiberglassed today.  The wood was splitting from old age so I filled the cracks and epoxied light weight fiberglass cloth over it.  I also got one door frame made, I used 3/16 steel brake line to make it and then silver soldered the pieces together.

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