Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Pink Panther Night.

January 22nd I picked up one of the church's computers to see if I could get anything off of the hard drives after it quit working.  We made a run to Safeway and then I fought with that computer the rest of the day and finally gave up with nothing recovered.
   January 23rd. I went up and let Sam out about noon, I threw the ball for him and after a few times he headed into the brush.  It wasn't long until he was wrestling with that limb which must have been ten or twelve feet long.  Every few minutes he would look up to make sure I was still watching.  After a little while he got the ball and came back for me to throw it again.  We did that until he knocked another rung off the Dolan's porch rail and I decided it was time to quit.   My new old radio showed up today, I bought it to replace a really old one I have.  It had one broken switch, I had one in a drawer to replace it with so I got it repaired before I quit for the evening.  This evening I transferred the Pink Panther movies from the external hard drive to the DVR so we could watch them Wednesday.
Debbie, Josh, Jordon, James and Michelle came up for a pizza and Pink Panther night.  While we were eating I gave Jordon a little taste of pizza after that he was grabbing my hand every time I would bring it up to my mouth and pulling it over for another taste.  He was really sucking on it.  We watched the very first Pink Panther movie tonight.  James told us about his new job as assistant baseball coach at Mark Morris, he starts Monday and is really excited about it.  It was a fun evening!
This box showed up today, I couldn't figure out what it was and when we pulled the packing out it looked empty.  Then I looked at the invoice and tucked in one corner was these two little cartridges for the bathroom sink faucets.

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Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

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