Friday, September 24, 2021

flying and a new Plane


We went flying at Toledo today.  I got the magnets epoxied back in the motor of this plane and test flew it today.  I think I figured out why they came loose, I was flying with a fourteen volt battery instead of an eleven volt like it was setup for so it probably got too hot which softened the glue holding the magnets.  I found some epoxy online that was good for five hundred degrees to repair it with that will prevent that from happening again.

Our friend Horty was selling this Grumman Tigercat model that I test flew for him a few months ago and I ended up buying it.  I flew it once today and I was a lot less nervous making the landing when it was my plane than when it was Horty's.  It flies great and is surprisingly fast at full throttle but slows down nicely for landings.  I had a good day of flying and visiting.  I really enjoyed hearing about Jim's encounters with a couple of bears while hiking.  When we got home we warmed up a loaf of garlic bread in the oven and then used it to make garlic bread sandwiches with bacon and tomatoes. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Jordon's Soccer, Fall, Kaiser

I went to do my blog tonight and discovered I hadn't done Jordon's soccer game from last Saturday.
9-18-2021 Jordon had a soccer game at the YMCA today, in this picture he is getting some instruction from one of the team coaches.

 This is during half time and he is sitting with Debbie, his friend Paxton and his friend's dad.
I captured this picture off the video I took of Jordon waiting for the goalie to throw the ball in.  Jordon was getting pretty tired by the end as some kids didn't want to play so he was out there almost the whole hour.  I had forgotten how much fun it was watching the kids play this indoor soccer, my cheeks were hurting from grinning so much.

Getting them all lined up for the congratulations at the end was a big chore but they finally got them all in a row.
The kids really looked excited to get the treats after the game.  It was Debbie and Josh's turn to provide them.  After the game we all went over to Pie Trio's for pizza.  We had a great time visiting with everyone, the pizza was great and they had four TV's on the wall with truck races and cartoons that kept the kids interested.
9-21-2021  Vera and I were puttering in the yard when she noticed the blueberry had turned red so she came out later and took this picture.  I spent most of the day putting a new drive belt on the mower.  Boy is that a hassle, it does a twist at one point and had several guides it has to go through.  With Vera's help getting the last keeper on I finally got it done. 

9-22-2021  I was checking my emails this morning and there was one from Kaiser about over sixty-five year old's could get the Covid-19 Pfizer booster shot.  I signed in to Kaiser and went through the scheduling process and they had an opening at 10:40!  It was 10:10 then but I figured I could get there in time so I scheduled it.  I made it with about a minute to spare but they were running a little behind so I was good.  I got the shot and waited the fifteen minutes they wanted me to stay in case there was a reaction, there wasn't so I headed home.  Vera had bible study today and I just barely beat her home.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Another day of flying

Light winds and eighty degrees were forecast for today so naturally we went flying.  It was exactly ten when Vera took this picture before I packed the plane out for my first flight of the day.

I was down talking to Leonard and Audrey when I decided to take a picture of Mt St Helens with a small lenticular cloud over it.  I saw Gene taking off so I waited and got his Vortex in the picture.  We stayed for four hours until it started getting pretty warm and windy.  I had a great time visiting and flying, Vera did some knitting on her new sweater and reading while I flew.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Flying at CVRCF

There was a club meeting of the Cowlitz Valley Radio Control Flyers today in Clatskanie.  It rained pretty good all the way to Longview and quit when we crossed the bridge to Oregon.  We stopped at the upper viewpoint where I used to fly radio controlled gliders and boy have the trees grown.  I wouldn't throw a glider off there now.

I turned and took a picture of the mill where I worked for forty years.  The bridge sure hasn't gotten any smoother since the last time I crossed it.
We took old Hwy 30 to Clatskanie, the route we took before they put in the new highway when ever we went to see our grandparents.  We stopped at the falls for some pictures.
They had a nice little pullout and it looks like a lot of people had slid down the bank to swim in the pool.  I can remember coming home from a visit and getting stuck trying to get across a low spot that was flooded.  Luckily they had a crew stationed there that towed us out and dried out the ignition with a pyrene fire extinguisher.
This is the CVRCF field at Clatskanie, I put in four flights on the MXS before the meeting and one after.  I had a good time meeting some new people and visiting with a couple of old friends.
Ken the club president is flying at the other end of the field.  The Jarvi house is across the slough on the right side of the picture.  I had my first model airplane flight from my grandparent's front yard and it ended up on this side to the slough.  I had been starting it, adjusting the engine and throwing it out over their mint field numerous times when one time it flew.  Of course it had a full tank of fuel and went way up.  Then we watched it go down on the other side of the slough.  Denny took us over there in his car and one of the group found it sitting right beside the slough undamaged.  I still have the engine that was on that the plane that day.
After the meeting we drove out passed the Jarvi house, it hasn't changed much since the last time we drove by except the barn is almost covered with berry vines.  On the way back I stopped and took a picture of the cinder cone I can remember it glowing cherry red many times when we were down there.  We stopped and had a nice visit with Mik, James and Jazz on the way home.  Jazz was really excited to see us, once we had both petted her she calmed right down and took a nap.  It was a good day!

Monday, September 6, 2021

Labor Day Flying

I was all set up at Toledo ready for my first flight at 9:34 this morning.  I flew the MXS-R all day.  I did make one flight on the Extra 540BP, left the transmitter turned on afterwards, ran the battery down and I didn't have a way to charge it.

Mt St Helens doesn't look like there is much snow left, the fog around the base hung on the whole time we were there.  Mt Rainier has some snow on it, the jump plane makes it's approach to landing from that direction and would have made a good picture if I had thought about it.
We left early Saturday so we didn't know there was a barbecue planned.  Guy baked chocolate chip cookies on his Traeger, Audrey cooked hot dogs and Leonard had made a potato salad.  There were also several kinds of chips, some ginger chew cookies and bottled water.  
There was lots of good food and I think everyone went back for seconds.  It was a great way to spend Labor Day.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Another busy day and more forgotten pictures

I have mentioned the Dollar General store several times, when we went by to check the progress Friday I took a picture and found it today.  They must all use a standard plan because they sure go up fast.

Saturday before we left for the flying field Vera took a couple of pictures of the vine maples, I didn't use the Nikon at the field so I discovered them today when I downloaded the pictures.

Vera found the Fifth Annual Cowlitz River Kayakers Labor Day Float mentioned on Facebook so we went down to watch this morning.  It started at the Castle Rock Boat launch at eleven and this is the first batch that came by Lions Pride Park at eleven fifteen.  The float is supposed to take seven hours and end up at Gerhart Gardens.
Two of an early group pulled over and fished until the main group got there.
This lady had her dog along.
There were quite a few paddle boarders making the float also.  I wouldn't last five minutes on one of those.
It was about noon when the final group came by.  We had been counting and were up to fifty but lost count there were so many but we were sure there were around a hundred.

This guy was towing a duck and lobster.

The last thing to go by just before we left was these people on horseback.

After lunch I started sealing the West deck, boy was it hot out there!
I also gave the shop porch a coat of sealer before calling it a day.

Saturday, September 4, 2021


We went flying at Toledo today, counting me there were seven flyers there.  I had some six cell batteries I wanted to run down so I had a great time flying the Corsair.  The HBR batteries I got through Amazon sure worked good, right as I started the take off run I could tell they were putting out lots of power.  After the flights they were barely warm while the other brand I used was almost too hot to hold onto.
I was making a test flight on this plane when it made a horrible noise and shook the battery hatch off.  Audrey and Leonard saw where it landed and Audrey walked out to get it for me.

I took the plane into the shop and found four magnets had came loose inside of it so I am in the process of epoxying them back in.  When I came in for the night there was a beautiful sunset.

Friday, September 3, 2021

The forgotten bunny and the vent cover

I had forgotten all about this picture I took Monday evening of a rabbit eating by the storage container.  It was a pleasant surprise to see it when I downloaded today's pictures from the camera.
This is today's project, I put a vent cover over the forward crank up vent.  Now I don't have to worry about rain getting in when it is open.  The round circles are reinforcements for where the TV antenna hits when it is down. 

Of course I had to take a picture of the clean and treated roof.

I made a couple of flights with the little Red Bull helicopter after I got everything done.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Kaiser, Kaiser and Motor Home

This is the view I had Monday morning while waiting for Vera while she had her optometrist appointment.  I read for a few minutes then decided to call some old friends but no one answered so it was back to the magazines.  Later Mike called and we had a nice visit since I had not heard from him for several years.  After Vera was done we headed to Vancouver for my ophthalmologist appointment at the Salmon Creek Kaiser.  We were early so we went to Costco and shopped for an hour.  We let Google Maps take us from Costco to Kaiser via a scenic route.  

Tuesday I washed and then treated the roof of the motor home.  I was happy to get both steps done in one day.  Today we washed the motor home and the Mitsubishi.  We had a couple of items to pick up at the post office and then took a ride to check on the progress of the new Dollar General store.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...