Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Motor Home is home!

12-8-2019 Sunday we lit the advent candles during the service today.  Vera read the prayer and I lit the candles.  I am entering the church records into Excel and I have found the baptismal records for most of my siblings which was pretty interesting.
After church we drove by the Castle Rock Pharmacy because Vera had seen on Facebook that it turned out very nice.  I have to admit that someone did a great job.
Today we got the motor home back from the shop, it wasn't cheap but we don't have to worry about the motor or the roof now.  After loading a few things we ate at Burger King and then went for a ride looking at Christmas lights.  I think the one on North Street was the best we saw in town but there were cars behind us so I couldn't get a picture.  This one is about a block from the church and looked pretty good.  Of course the nicest one was Bob's as we came up the hill to home.

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