Saturday, December 7, 2019

Slab Roller

This morning I met Michelle at Cascade Middle School to take a look at the art teacher's slab roller, that is Katrina the art teacher in the background.  The top roller had gotten out of line with the bottom one and there was grinding noises as it got near the ends.  After a little trial and error I got the rollers in line but the cables didn't look right.  Michelle came up with how they should be ran so I disconnected one and rearranged it.  It worked much better after that so we buttoned it up.
I have been working on the Kitfox landing gear the last couple of days.  I mounted it temporarily to see if it was going to work.  It looked good so I drilled the holes for it's permanent mounting.  I have also been figuring out which motor to use with it and picked one that should fly it with no problem.  It is big enough for a fifteen pound plane and this one should only weigh half that.  I also got started building a mount for it, there should be pictures of it tomorrow. 

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