Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Years Eve

One night after working on the motor home I got the fire bowl out and gave it a test, it looked really nice when it got dark.  I found a place for it in the motor home basement storage and if it is cold New Years Day I will get it out.
We got the motor home all loaded Tuesday and went up to the Toledo field to possibly fly right after midnight.  I got the Dish set up and working after thirty minutes on the phone with Advanced Technical Support in the Philippines.  She was very nice and after three downloads the receiver started showing our programming.  I found she was in the Philippines when I wished her a Happy New Year and she said it was ten in the morning there in the Philippines.
I was going to fly after midnight for my first flight of 2020 with the Alienator.  I had grabbed it at the last moment just before we left.  It didn't have a receiver in it so I grabbed a spare from the shop.  Vera helped me get it bound to the transmitter and I did the programming this evening.  By 10:30 I was feeling pretty sleepy so I went out to fly it.  The battery turned out to be bad so it was a short flight.
The plane survived the landing in the field with only a broken prop.  Not long after this picture we headed to bed and listened to the fireworks going off in the area.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Blanket and Hydraulic Unit

Thursday I took both grills off the motor home so I could get to the hydraulic unit for the leveling system.  It has been leaking and I wanted to get it fixed. It turned out to be the plastic reservoir had a crack at the narrow end.  I did a search online and found the manufacturers website and parts list but the pump was obsolete and the reservoir was not available.  After cleaning it up I repaired it with fiberglass cloth and ABS cement.  So far it seems to be holding fine.
Today while I was working on the pump Vera got the blanket Debbie had made her for Christmas with all the family pictures on it and we tried it on the motor home bed.  It looks good and that is where it will be from now on.  I got everything buttoned back up with some help from Vera and it is working fine.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Day at Mik, Michelle and James'

Mik, Michelle and James' Christmas tree was set up so Jazz could not get to it.
Jordon really paid attention to McKenzie painting Mik's reader board.
Mik and Michelle with the prime rib and turkey they had prepared for dinner today.  That is Mik's cousin Jarrod in the background.
Mik slicing the prime rib, it was done just the way I like it!
Jacob was having a great time sitting by Grandma Bev watching things.
This is during the present opening, when Jordon got to this take apart car he quit opening any more and played with it for a long time.
I am not sure what Rome has just opened.
My annual picture of James, Michelle and Mik.
Jordon wouldn't let his mom or dad help him, but pretty soon he had Rome help him.
Rome and Mik are opening up monster trucks for Jordon.
Mik is opening one of his presents.
James with his Christmas Stocking, that is big enough for lots of gifts.
Debbie and the boys as she was trying to get things together so they could leave.
Vera asked Michelle for a picture of her and Josh.
James and I get our picture taken together at just about everything we go to.  I am wearing my early birthday present of a Seahawks vest, it was really comfortable.  It was a great day, everyone was in such a good mood, there was lots of good food and desserts.  It is sure nice spending the Christmas day with family.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve

The family Christmas Eve party was at Dan and Robin's again this year and we had a great time.  There was lots of good food as usual, Dan and Robin provided turkey, gravy and lots of other things.  I don't think anyone went away hungry.
Jordon was having a great time showing off his Toy Story Woody.
Cathy organized the family pictures in front of the the tree.
Jordon and Jacob didn't seem to want their pictures taken.
I got a picture of them later when they were waiting for Santa to arrive.
Santa (Mik) did his usual good job and had fun kidding all the kids.
I am not sure Jordon is all that happy to be there.
Jacob discovered the fur and had a pretty good grip on it and his beard.
Jordon is opening his monster trucks.
The Cut-throat exchange extravaganza is in progress, there was lots of stealing and laughter.
I believe there was a record number of participants this year, in the high thirties.
James was having a good time with Rielee, Kendyl and Parker.
It looks like it must have been Macee's turn as she is opening something.
Mik was enjoying picking out his message board which no one wanted to steal.
James with his final exchange, a shopping cart which he ended up trading for a gift card later.
As we left I stopped and took a picture of Bob's lights, they looked great!

Monday, December 23, 2019

A trip to town and Church

We headed to Longview to pick up a few things first thing this morning.  It was a nice relaxing trip, all the clerks were polite and very helpful which made shopping enjoyable.  It is nice having the motor home to putter on again.  I almost finished the Dish installation today, just one more small bracket to go.
As I came in to watch Monday Night Football the fog was just starting to form so I took this picture.
Sunday we went to church for the Birthday Party for Jesus.  The bell choir preformed several times and there was lots of singing.  It was one of the best Christmas services I can remember.  Afterwards there was a finger food lunch downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.
Vera's friend Peggy painted this mural by the Pastors office and it turned out great.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Great Cookies

The art teacher sent me a tin of cookies for helping with her slab roller.  They are really good, she said it was a special recipe she has.  I have been working on a slide out battery tray for the motor home the last few days.  It works great, I should have no problem checking the water in them now, before I had to crawl in the compartment and use a mirror to check the level.  I also got a new thermostat for the furnace installed and have the Dish receiver all hooked up.
We took North Street on the way after picking up the mail and I got a picture of what I consider the best decorations in town.
I was checking the Amazon tracking on some of the great grandkids gifts and there was a picture of the packages on the porch by the french doors.  A couple of days later there was a picture of some on my shop porch.  These were delivered by the Prime vans.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jordon's Motorcycle

After I fixed the Jeep for Jordon they brought down a motorcycle that wouldn't take a charge.  I found a smart charger along with a battery on Amazon.  The charger came a couple of days ago and the battery came today.  I charged the battery, oiled a few things and cleaned up the contacts.  Josh came down with the rest of the parts and we put it back together.  After a couple of false starts Jordon was doing great on it.  He drove over by the shop porch and told his dad that he was going in the house to tell Grandma that Papa had repaired his Jeep.

He told Vera all about me repairing the Jeep and motorcycle and then got the Hot Wheels out and started playing.
Josh went down to pick up pizza so we watched the boys for a little while.  I had a great time down on the rug playing with Jacob.
He is sure strong and I don't think it will be long before he is crawling.  I had a good day working in the shop, along with the motorcycle I also got the Brake Buddy for the Smart Car repaired.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Motor Home is home!

12-8-2019 Sunday we lit the advent candles during the service today.  Vera read the prayer and I lit the candles.  I am entering the church records into Excel and I have found the baptismal records for most of my siblings which was pretty interesting.
After church we drove by the Castle Rock Pharmacy because Vera had seen on Facebook that it turned out very nice.  I have to admit that someone did a great job.
Today we got the motor home back from the shop, it wasn't cheap but we don't have to worry about the motor or the roof now.  After loading a few things we ate at Burger King and then went for a ride looking at Christmas lights.  I think the one on North Street was the best we saw in town but there were cars behind us so I couldn't get a picture.  This one is about a block from the church and looked pretty good.  Of course the nicest one was Bob's as we came up the hill to home.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...