Friday, October 30, 2009

Third times a charm

Third times a charm on the roof (I Hope!) , It was still leaking so we got supplies Thursday and I put 3 tab on that section of the roof today. Boy, the up and down the ladder and the down on my knees driving nails just killed my left knee. I could not even go up the steps into the shop with it after I finished. Ice and heat and it is feeling better tonight, but I am staying off that roof for a while. I did get out and work on my new Ultimate biplane for a little bit tonight. I am heading for the recliner right after I finish this. Well maybe right after I look at Facebook. Hope you had a better day than I did.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Vera's bible study today was canceled so we decided to make a Costco run. We took Hwy 30 to Cornellis Pass and went over to the Beaverton Costco. Just so happens there are two hobby shops within 2 miles. Funny how that works. We had a nice trip down, traffic was light and the fog had lifted. Important things first, so we went to RC Modeler NW. Then lunch at Izzies, then another hobby shop and finally Costco. Nice going during the week, not many people, when we checked out there was only one person in front of us. After sampling some soup and crackers we got for dinner, it was time to kick back and watch Mythbusters. Love that show!

Monday, October 26, 2009

On the Roof Again

Well this morning did not start out good. Vera told me the leak was still leaking! After breakfast it was up on the roof again. I worked at it until around 1:00 when I figured it was fixed. Do you think it would rain so I could check it, No seems their forecast was a little off. I had a call from Barry, they are in Nevada now. They have been in camping where there was not Internet or Cell signal. I believe they are headed back to Utah tomorrow. There should be a journal update soon. I went over to Dianne's and saw the twins, plus Jillian and Rielee were there. Lots of fun to watch the activity over there. Since the rain would not cooperate, I went out and built on my new plane. I may be making a test flight so if we have some good weather. Tomorrow is the big day for Debbie, she gets her license. I hear she is not even going to wait until school is out.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


This evening we went to Coldstone to celebrate Debbie's 16th. Birthday. She has passed her written and driving tests, so Tuesday she gets her license. She is really excited about it.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Up on the Roof Top

Up on the Roof Top how I started my Facebook entry today. We discovered a leak in the bathroom Friday. I got up this morning and headed up on the roof. I ended up resealing all the vents and the chimney before I was done. It was worth it as Vera had made an apple pie, that made for a great lunch. After lunch I headed to Longview for a couple of errands and to meet up with Mik and James for a ride to James football game. It was a nice afternoon for watching football and taking pictures. Pizza afterwards with them and Michelle finished off a busy day. Now I am headed for my recliner, you never know that may result in a nap.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fridays are Great!

My Friday started a little later than normal. Looking up some information on the computer and then watching the finish of a soccer game resulted in us not going to bed until 2 AM Thursday night. Needless to say, I slept in this morning. By the time I ate, checked emails and read the news online, it was time to head out to pick up James. I did a little shopping and then went up to Cascade and read a magazine until James got out. After a stop at his house to pick up the Xbox, a run through the Drive up at Burger King we settled in for an evening of Xbox and Wwe. I am all thumbs with that Xbox controller, good thing I don't use it to fly airplanes. It is a good thing Parker came over for a while so he had some one who could play with him.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shop Cleanup

It has been a long time since I could see the top of my drawing table. My two favorite helicopters are parked there now.

Before I started the big cleanup there was about a 12 x 12 inch space available for working on my electronics bench. I repaired all the half done projects as I went so maybe it will stay clear for a while.

My building area, I did not take a picture soon enough here as the next project is started already. It should be done today, so I will clean it again tonight(I hope).

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday Flying

We had the Toledo Field all to our selves today. It was a little chilly in the morning, but once the sun came out it was real nice. I put in 7 flights and decided to call it a day. I had a motor to deliver to Bob in Chehalis, so we called and they were home. We drove up and ended up having a nice visit with Bob and Nancy. Their house is surrounded with Oak trees and there is a bumper crop of acorns this year. Walking on their lawn is like walking on marbles. I drove by the field on the way home and it was so nice I stopped and flew twice more. As I was finishing up the last flight the clouds rolled in, the picture is looking South Southeast from the flying field. St Helens has lost most of the snow from last week. The tree on the right is a plane eater, in fact it got one already this month.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pretty much a normal Saturday

I went out to take some pictures of the leaves this morning and this robin landed in the oak tree. I took its picture and it turned out pretty good with the leaves as a background. Then I did some more cleaning in the shop. I can now see the top of 4 benches, only one more to go. I have found several tools and other things that have been missing for a while.

James had a game at Toutle this afternoon. The rain stopped just before the game started and it was sunny for the entire game. James was one of the co-captins for the coin toss at the begining of the game. They won 18 to 14 with the subs playing most of the second half. Brock and Parker has a game afterwards so we stayed and watched it also. Great fun because there was lots of family there to visit with. We stopped and had dinner with Mik, Michelle and James on the way home, nice way to relax after the game.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It is a toss up which is better, the fall leaves or the spring blossoms. I like taking pictures of both. Today was a great day for working outside. I got the fan belt changed along with the oil and filter on the motor home. Mowed the lawn/picked up leaves depending on where I was. I also cleaned out the flower bed where we had tomatoes. I could not believe how dusty it was mowing, we really need the rain that started this morning.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Flying Sunday 10 11 2009

It was pretty chilly at 9:30 when I got to the field, but it warmed up fast. I had a great day, but you can tell that winter is getting closer, there is a little new snow on St Helens now.

Steve and Bob stopped by on their scooters just as I was packing up, but I got a plane out and flew (showed off) for them. I forgot to take any pictures of the flying activity today, so I took a couple of inside the motor home when I was loaded up to come home. Above is the area over the cab, and below is the bedroom.

After a nice dinner Vera had ready when I got home, I settled in to watch football. The day was made complete when I watched the recording of the Seahawks winning today.

Football Weather

Saturday 10 10 2009 was a great day for watching football. James had a 1:00 game and we did not need coats. James is number 52 facing the camera. They did great, I believe the final score was 25 to 6. Afterwards we went for pizza with Mik, Michelle and James. A very relaxing day.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Flying at Willow Grove

James and I went flying at Willow Grove today after breakfast at Burger King with the other flyers. We had a great time, there were six other flyers there also.

James had a good time visiting with the guys he had not seen for awhile. He also did a good job flying.

The highlight of the day was when one guy had some problems and lost control. The end result was he hit his own pickup and busted out the tail light. It did not do the plane any good either!

After flying we stopped at one of the flyers home to check out his new plane. Then it was home for some playing with the cousins and some Xbox. Not that I am any good at Xbox.
All in all a fun day.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday Flying

We went to Toledo again today and flew. When we got there at 9:30 it was already warm enough that I did not need a coat or sweater. The wind was calm or very light all day. I flew my new Stearman and F-4 again today. Both are flying better each time as I make adjustments. The mountains in the distance make it a very relaxing place to fly. Just about every time we are there we take pictures of St Helens or Rainier. I am looking forward to flying again tomorrow with James.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Flying

Great Day of flying today! I had two new planes that I test flew today, the Stearman and the F-4 Phantom above. They both flew fine and I had a good time with them.

The planes I flew today, I got 12 flights in.

On the way home we stopped at Lewis Counties South Park to eat dinner. We sat in the motor home and watched the geese while eating. Then I got out and took pictures of them for awhile. It was a very relaxing way to end the day.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Time Flies

I was looking pictures from my first year with a digital camera and came across these pictures from a trip to the creek. It has been a source of lots of fun for the kids and I in the ten years since retirement.

Emmy, James and Will at the creek 1999

James and Will throwing rocks in the creek. They can throw a lot further now!

Time really flies, just seems like yesterday when I retired.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...