Tuesday, January 12, 2021

It is sure dark!

 My arm where I got the shingles shot woke me up early this morning.  I tried to snuggle in and go back to sleep but it didn't work so I decided to get up.  I opened my eyes and it seemed a lot darker than normal, when I tried to look at the clock I found out that the power was off.  I tried snuggling some more but no luck, Vera started stirring so I got up and we were talking about the wind last night when the power came back on.  When I reset my wall clock in the shop I found out it had been off for two and a half hours.

After Lets Make a Deal, the Price is Right and Lunch I finally made it to the shop.  I made good headway on the Corsair getting the last of the reinforcements installed and the motor mounted.  This motor is rated at one thousand watts so I should have plenty of power.
I slid the dummy engine and cowl on to see how they fit and looked.  Once the dummy engine is painted I think it will look pretty good.

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