Saturday, December 12, 2015

A busy week!

This plane showed up Thursday, a Black Friday special.  It has a brushless motor, speed control and three servos for Fifty dollars, how wrong could I go with that?  I also discovered there was still a leak around the bathroom vent fan.  We had dental cleanings this morning so it was afternoon before I could work on it.  I pulled the vent fan clear out and found lots of moisture in the insulation, I pulled it out and threw it away.  Then mopped up some of the water and decided to leave it out overnight to let things dry out.

Friday morning I had an appointment with my eye doctor to go over the results of the visual field test I took on Monday, everything was good and the eye pressures were lower than last time.  We stopped at Safeway for a few things, filled up with gas and headed home.  When I turned off at Castle Rock to pick up the mail the Blazer started running rough, I looked down and zero oil pressure!  I discovered the line to the filter had blown off.  I gave Bob a call and luckily he was home and able to tow us home, Thank You, Bob!  After putting the line back on, cleaning things up, filling it with oil, I started it up, it sounded OK and had 60 PSI of oil pressure which is about normal.  The leak had slowed down and it was looking much drier above the ceiling, I spent a bunch of time with my head up in there, then decided to give it another day of drying.
Today is was raining pretty good and there was only a couple of drips from the leak.  I can see a couple of spots where it is still wet, the forecast is for fairly dry weather Monday, so I am holding off doing anything until then.  I went out and worked on the new Extra 300 fitting the prop and spinner.  I put the spinner that came with it on and it vibrates like crazy when I checked the current draw.  I went in and ordered a different brand.  Later, I was rummaging around in my drawers and I found this nice aluminum one.  Of course I couldn't find an adapter to fit the 8 x 1.25 millimeter prop shaft, so I went in and ordered that also.   I went back out and finished up the little purple plane this evening and it is ready to go.  Once the spinner adapter gets here, the Extra will be ready for a test flight.

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