Monday, February 28, 2011

Planes, Kids, Planes and Snow

When I went out after lunch I tested the camera to see if the drop yesterday did anything. It worked fine and I noticed Steve out by the stump so I knew the twins were out and headed over.

They are really steady walking in the snow, probably more so than I am. They had picked up rocks and were walking around poking them into the snow every few steps. I got this shot of Ava that turned out pretty good.

After we went in they wanted to color. Ava pointed at me, patted the floor and I got the idea, she wanted me to sit by the table and color with them. It was a great fairly long session and lots of fun. When Harper got done she started getting utensils together to do some cooking. Pretty soon she was running about with a couple of spatulas and a big bowl.

When it was snack time as soon as Dianne said "Cookie" Ava came running from the play room. While they were eating their cookies Steve picked up the cookie sack and asked them if he should give one to Uncle Alan. They looked at me and there were no smiles so Steve decided that was not a good idea. After their cookies he fed them some Raisin Bran.

I got the mount for the tail made today and framed up the stab. All the push rods are ran and hooked up at the servo end. I also did some filling and sanding on the B-36. One of these days I am just going to say to heck with it and cover it. The goofy weather is still at it, it was 32 degrees, snowing and sticking when I came in.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Finally it is warming up!

Well it is not warming up much but it is raining and the snow is melting. Now it is really slick. Since I was talking about Dad and the snow yesterday I thought this picture of him would be appropriate. It looks like there is quite a bit of snow on the picnic table.

This what it looked like this morning, still snowing and about 32 degrees.

This afternoon all the snow was gone off the trees and it was starting to melt in the driveway. This picture is a little out of focus, the camera fell out of my pocket in the shop. The closeups look OK, I will have to try it tomorrow outside and see if it works OK.

I spent most of the day in the shop working on the camera plane. I got the wing mounting area done and made up the servo mounts and installed them. I tested the servos I am going to use and started installing them and the rudder push rod.
I also cleaned off the bench, swept the floor and vacuumed. It was getting so I could not find the tools I wanted and dust and wood chips were getting tracked everywhere. I got my helicopter almost back together when I noticed another problem that will require pulling the tail boom and tail rotor drive. Maybe tomorrow I will get to that as I had put most of the helicopter stuff away during the clean up. I hope you stayed warm and dry today.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snow Memories.

I thought it was going to start warming up! 16 1/2 degrees last night and it never got above freezing all day. 26 degrees when I came in to do this. Vera and I were talking about the snow today and I remembered the big snow storm in 1949. There was no snow on the ground when we went to school. They never let us off the buses, just sent us right back home. By afternoon the wheels of the car were hidden the snow was so deep. Dad looked out at the wood shed and the roof was bowed down from the weight of the snow. I can remember him up there with a shovel cleaning it off. He would just throw the shovel fulls in the air and the wind would blow it away. We watched Mr. Finkas clean his driveway with a push broom about once an hour all day. "What the heck is he doing?", we found out when they cleared the roads. He cleaned up the pile from the snow plow and drove to town. I think it was a couple of days before Dad got the driveway cleared. In those days the driveway was about a 100 feet longer, it got shortened when they straightened the Spirit Lake Hwy.

The snow is sure hanging on and it is darn slick going across to the shop. I have been being super careful.

Once this afternoon when I came in Vera had made Peanut Butter Cookies from the recipe on the back of the jar. They are great!
I made one flight today with my little Champ. I tried taking off the snow but that did not work so I used the driveway where it is clear. I flew about 5 minutes when the motor suddenly quit. Too cold for the battery (28 degrees) and it shut down on low voltage. It ran fine after warming up in the shop.
I got the hatch done on the camera plane today. Now it is time to start mounting servos and the radio while I can get at the rear fuselage.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The first sign of spring

18.5 was our low last night! It sure felt good dozing under the warm covers until 8. It was so bright out this morning that the first thing I did was take pictures.

Just my footprints from coming in last night are all that marred the snow.

The birds were really enjoying the feeders this morning.

And there is the first sign of spring, four robins out in the lawn or, are they really confused?
If the robins are right maybe we can sit out here soon.
I spent most of the day right in front of the pellet stove working on planes. I got the wing fairings done on the B-36 and started making the removable canopy for the new camera plane. When the car thawed enough to open the doors I went down and got the mail. Surprise, the parts for the helicopter were there so I almost have it back together.
21 degrees when I left the shop, so I hope you are staying warm.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Secret Projects

We had 2 inches this morning at 8:00. The first thing I did was fill the bird feeders, then breakfast and emails. After that I worked on a secret project for a while. Big surprise, I got it done! This afternoon and evening I worked on airplanes in the shop and made great headway. I started hearing all kinds of wrecks on the scanner. When I came in for the night I found out why, my tracks were gone and we had 6 3/4 inches of snow.

I tried my new scanner on some black and white negatives this evening and it worked great after I finally found the negative holder. I am still listening to the radio and the wrecks are still happening. Glad I don't have to go any where.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm dreaming of a White Easter!

The way this weather is acting, it could happen!

The first thing I saw on the way to do my exercises this morning.
About 11:30 it snowed like crazy for about an hour. I worked on the B-36 and the camera plane today. I am getting close to starting the covering job on the B-36.
After lunch I walked over to see if the twins were up, but the Babies sleeping sign was up. They really should change that to "Toddlers Sleeping". After working on the planes some more, they were up. Since last week they learned to climb up on the couch and chairs. Harper was in the recliner rocking when I got there. After a little while Auna showed up, they ran right over to see her. One of them brought her boots over to Steve, a hint to go outside. The sun was out so it was a good photo session.
Auna rolled the black basketball in the snow and right away had a good sized snowball. When she dropped it on the driveway it really blew up.
Harper checking out the remains of the snowman.
Steve was teaching the girls to throw snowballs. He told Harper to throw one at me and here she comes with her tough girl face on. She almost hit me in the foot. When they went in, I went back to working on the planes until dinner time. I had my leftover Omelet and it was just as good a second time. It is freezing out now and has snowed a little so it might be interesting in the morning! Glad I don't have to go anywhere until James' basketball game in the afternoon.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

$3.54.9 a Gallon!!!

First thing this morning Barry, Mona, Vera and I went down to the 49er for breakfast. It is nice to have them back. They will have put 12,000 miles on it during this trip by the time they get home today.

After breakfast I showed them the B-36 and then Barry disconnected the power and started the motor home to warm up. While it was warming up we made a quick visit to Steve and Dianne's. The twins were not sure about this guy with hair on his face. Ava colored with me and I got a chuckle out of her when I propped up Big Dog with a crayon in his mouth. Harper was sticking real close to Dianne. After Barry left, I worked on the camera plane and the B-36 until it was time for James' basketball game. We needed gas for the Blazer, it is $3.54.9 in Castle Rock and since it is usually cheaper in Longview going to the game was a good time to fuel up. Turns out it was $3.13.9 at Fred Meyer so that paid for the trip.

This score at the end of the first quarter (they were the home team) will tell you how the game went.

James played good and we had a good time watching. We all went to the Masthead for dinner after the game. I tried their Chicken Fried Steak and really enjoyed it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Barry's Back

I made good headway on the new camera plane today. I got the second side completed. While the glue was drying I scanned in some more pictures for Marie's digital picture frame. She really seems to enjoy it and if she doesn't know who or what a picture is she asks the next time we are there.
Late this afternoon I got a call from Barry wanting to know if they could park in our driveway. Not a problem as we have lots of room. I went out and moved the van so there would be plenty of room and got the electrical cord out so they would have power. We had a nice visit with them before they hit the hay after a big day.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What the heck shall I call this?

Boy was it frosty this morning! I headed over to feed Max first thing and drove over with my head out the window to see. While Vera was at church I did a bunch of sanding on the B-36 and started making up a set of nose gear doors for it. After lunch with Vera I made another trip over to check on Max. I walked this time since it was 10 degrees above freezing. On the way back I took a picture of the clouds.

A while later on the way back from looking at Steve and Dianne's new car (that is a funny story) I took another picture of how much it had changed in a couple of hours.
The heather doesn't know it is winter and has been freezing. Nice to see a touch of color.
When I went in the front of the shop to get a Pepsi I happened to look at my wings and found one that would be perfect for the camera plane I want to make. Vera got me the GoPro for Christmas and I have been thinking about what I wanted in a plane for it.

The wing is from the first really successful electric that I ever saw built by my friend Bill Swart.

I want the motor behind the wing so the camera will have a clear view. I got one side almost done this afternoon after finding the wing and drawing a quick set of plans.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday and Saturday

Friday was a pretty laid back day around here, just lots of rest and relaxation.
Saturday was a great day for driving. I took Bev to a meeting in Vancouver.

While I was waiting I drove around downtown Vancouver and found a historic museum.

One of their displays was the history of the bridge between Vancouver and Portland.

Here a ferry is pushing a section of the bridge into position.

I have seen lots of pictures of the Vanport flood, but this is the first one of it's effect on Vancouver I have seen.

I had noticed a sign for Fudge made with cream and butter on Main St. After the museum I hunted it up and ended up with some peanut butter fudge and one they called Cookies and Cream that is great.

After Bev's meeting was over we went to the Verizon store and Harbor Freight which is right next door. Then I spotted a Dollar Tree so we had to go there to see if they had the glue I wanted. They have small tubes of Super Glue in metal tubes in a resealable package that I like to carry in the motor home for emergency airplane repairs. I like it because it doesn't seem to get old, unlike Super Glue in plastic bottles which seems to harden if exposed to light. After a stop for lunch we headed home. It was nice being able to spend a day in shirt sleeves enjoying the sunshine.

I hope you got a little sun today.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Birthdays are great!

I started my day exercising. When I was done I went over to see the twins. Still wearing my sweats and with no glasses on they were not too sure they wanted anything to do with me. Harper hopped on Grandpa's lap, but Ava brought me the big dog after a few minutes. It wasn't too long after that she came up on my lap and we read the dog book together. The cards they had worked on were great! After a late breakfast and email check that I managed to stretch out until lunch time I had a smoothie and baked apple treat for lunch. I did a little work on the B-36 before heading out for James' basketball game. I had a couple of stops to make so I left a little early. My stop at the Post Office was great, two magazines and the new tail boom for my heli. The Dollar Store was next and I came out with a few more things than I had planned on. Then I was off to Ace for some glue, went in for Titebond II and came out with it and Titebond III and Gorilla Glue.

James had a good game, lots of fun to watch. I was going to take a picture of their winning score, but forgot.

After the game I met Vera, Bev, Michelle, Mik, James, Debbie and Josh at the Castle Rock Papa Pete's for birthday pizza. It was great visiting with the family, I had a very enjoyable time.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sun, Rain, Snow, Comedians and Treats

I could get used to sleeping in, it was after 8 before I got up and started on my exercises. Vera was ready for her bible study when I got done with them. I was still sitting at the computer with my cereal bowl beside me when Vera got home. Since it was lunch time I made myself one of my favorite smoothies. After lunch it was out to put some sheeting on the wing to dry while I went to see the twins.

When I got there Ava was running around with a blanket on her head. She is reaching for my phone, but luckily I had remembered the Easyshare today.

Harper was a little needy today and I had a hard time getting a good picture of her, this is the best I could do. They have taken to moving their toy furniture around, here is Ava carrying her chair.
Everyone was a comic today. Before I left after lunch, Vera said she could just see me going over to Dianne's when the weather gets better and knocking on the door and asking "Can the girls come out and play?". Then while I was laying on the floor coloring with Ava, Steve came in and said "I see our other grandson is here today". Friday they will not have the twins so I told them I would come over and roll around on the floor. We had some good laughs today. Steve mentioned the girls have been good therapy for me, getting up off the floor. It is a lot easier now than it was right after the surgery.

Vera and I made a mail and grocery run today and Vera made brownies and a baked apple treat for me this afternoon, both of which turned out great. This evening I got the last of the sheeting put onto the wing and finished reinforcing the engine nacelles. Weird weather today, you never knew what to expect when you went out.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Boy this day went by Fast!

I had a 10:00 Dental appointment this morning. I was all set to read while I waited, but they came and got me 10 minutes early. Everything checked fine so we were out of there pretty quick. We had one errand to run but it was too windy and rainy.

On the way home we heard about a roll over accident on I5 near the truck scale so we took the frontage road rather than go out on the freeway. The picture only shows a small part of the emergency vehicles. There is a spot on the South bound side just before the Truck Scales that has standing water if it is raining hard. Watch for it if you go that way.

After we got home, I started sheeting the top of the wing for the B-36 with almost all the wiring in I can close it up.

I made my daily trip over to play at the Robinson's. Here Ava had been pushing Harper.

James had a basketball game this afternoon at Monticello. He got to start the game so he was pumped. He has just stolen the ball in this picture.

They won as you can see by the scoreboard. It was a close game all the way and could have went either way right up to the last seconds. That made it a great game to watch.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...