Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stupid Fountain

I went round and round with that fountain all morning. The resin had not set up over night so I got a new can when we went down to get the mail. I mixed up a batch, brushed it on and it seemed to set up OK. I mixed a second batch and made it twice as big. It set up in the cup before I got half of it on. Mixed up one more SMALL batch and brushed it on. It set up, but the surface is wrinkled on it and the other areas I did. I am starting to think about garbage canning this thing. I went in told Vera about the trouble I was having and she said it might be easier to get a new one. She only had to say it once and I got right on putting the darn thing in the garbage can. She was all for leaving right then to get a new one, so we headed to Longview.
We found one at Fred Meyer that will serve as a table plus makes nice running water sounds. Vera filled the little pond areas with agates James has collected at the creek. I spent the rest of the afternoon researching heaters online for Vera's sewing room. The heater went bad a couple of weeks ago. I got in a flight on the little airplane this evening, it was real nice out with very light winds.

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