Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday Flying

I went flying at Toledo today so I could pick up the club mower for service. The new trailer hitch worked great. Big surprise, it is fairly easy to back up using the rear view camera.

I got in 7 flights today. The Eurofighter is flying great now that I have all the issues taken care of. By 1 it was hot enough I was ready to head home to the air conditioner. It was 93 and climbing when we got home. Vera saw 96.6 on the thermometer before it started cooling off. I spent the afternoon in the shop in front of the AC decorating the Eurofighter. I have some decals to print that will add to what I did. Looking at pictures of the plane I am modeling I saw the area that is black in the picture is silver so I will repaint that area.

I hope you were able to stay cool today!

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