Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Where did I put the darn thing?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Flying at CVRCF

This is our friend Audrey getting ready to take off. Lots of flying took place and there were a couple of bad crashes caused by engine problems.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Garage Sale
I unloaded the Victrola and the fake Philodendron and checked out everyone else's stuff. I ended up buying a couple of Lynne's small bookcases. I visited for a while and then went home to rest the knee. Vera and I made a mail run around Noon and then hit some of the garage sales in the area. We both ended up buying a few things and had a good time. When I went back to the garage sale the Victorla was gone as was the fake Philodendron. I wish I had taken a picture of the Philodendron because to me it was no longer a thing of beauty. I did more visiting and help tear down afterwards. Another big surprise, I only had to bring 3 small items home. It was a fun day. I spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready to fly tomorrow.
Friday, August 27, 2010
What to take?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday Flying at Goble
He has just hand launched the plane below for his first flight of the day.
Different looking with the sweep forward wings, but it flew great!
This is a model of an SR-71 he flew, it was made of foam sheets also but looked great in the air. I had a good day of flying with only a couple of minor problems. I was in such a big hurry to get to the field that I forgot to stop at Subway and get a sandwich for lunch. It is a good thing there were some treats in the motor home freezer! I had the wind catch one plane on landing and roll it over very gently, boy was I surprised when the whole tail section fell off. There was a bad glue join from the factory, sure glad it did not come loose in the air. It was about a 5 minute repair Wednesday night and now you can not see where it happened. I finally gave up flying about 4 as it was getting pretty hot. After cooling off in the house for awhile and visiting with Vera I went out and made the repairs that needed to be done. I settled in front of the TV and that was the end of my day.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
When I got done with it I noticed the wind had died down so I got the Champ out to fly. Things were going good until I made a little different approach than normal over towards Dianne's. I hit the fir tree on the other side of their parking area.
I got my extension pole and got it down with no damage and flew it some more, but I did not go as far that way again.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Off to the creek again!

One of our first adventures today was a trip down to get Smoothies where Laury works. On the way I spotted the blimp coming North. As luck would have it, it passed right over Castle Rock. When we got back home, they went swimming in the pool.
As soon as they were done swimming they wanted to head down to the creek. Luke had never been down there, so he rode with me on Parker's 4 wheeler.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Another Creek Trip

Right away, Auna found a monster agate.

James splashing water on the rocks, he ended up finding a pretty good sized one there also.

After we hiked up the creek about half way to the bridge and found a few more agates the kids decided it was time to ride the trails.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
After he got settled in and watched a little TV he located Auna at Aunt's and headed over when Aunt said "Get over here". Auna and him were back and forth all afternoon playing with the twins or watching iCarly.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Bob and Belle after we got back. Barry and Mona's renter who was watching them had moved out and left them with a neighbor.
Bev will be watching the rabbits now. We had a nice trip, we stopped and visited Marie on the way up. Boy the traffic is bad between Chehalis and Olympia where they are working on the road.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Vera got this chair many years ago at a garage sale. I don't remember if the joints were loose when we got it, but they sure were now. I tore it all apart and repaired some cracks. I had it quite aways apart before I realized I should have marked things as to where they went. Some parts were no trouble as there was only one place they can go. Those six slats in the back really gave me fits. After many rearrangements they finally fit. After the back dried, I put the legs and seat together. The amazing thing is it sits square on the floor and does not rock.
The rest of the day was spent putting tools away, a rarity for me! While cleaning up I ran across some things for the up coming garage sale so I sat them aside. I made a trip over to check on the walking lessons at Dianne's. Great fun, I got to hold Ava for quite awhile and feed her pieces of my cookie. Harper spotted that action and made it known she wanted some too.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Flying and Visiting
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Church by the River

Pastor Vonda gave a great sermon on the different hats people wear. She had requested everyone wear a hat to the service. She had us changing hats with other people.
After the service we had a very nice picnic. There was a lot of different foods and desserts. Vera got asked for the recipe of the meatballs she brought. It was a nice relaxing way to start the day. When we got home I worked on James' bike for a couple of hours. He and his friends had taken their bikes swimming. When I turned it upside down somewhere between a quart and a half gallon of water ran on the floor. These 96 degree days are sure good for getting inside work done.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Saturday Flying
I got in 7 flights today. The Eurofighter is flying great now that I have all the issues taken care of. By 1 it was hot enough I was ready to head home to the air conditioner. It was 93 and climbing when we got home. Vera saw 96.6 on the thermometer before it started cooling off. I spent the afternoon in the shop in front of the AC decorating the Eurofighter. I have some decals to print that will add to what I did. Looking at pictures of the plane I am modeling I saw the area that is black in the picture is silver so I will repaint that area.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Another trip
Hope you got to enjoy it!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
More Creek
This time it was Auna, Parker, James and I. First they rode some of the trails and then wanted to go to a different part of the creek than normal. I took them over to a new trail that ends above the creek about 50 feet and we had to walk down an elk trail. They decided to build a little dam today. James has just thrown a log into the water and got Parker wet. Just as they were finishing the dam, Auna spotted a Grouse in the bushes, that kept them busy trying to get a picture of it. By the time we left, they had seen 4 of them.
Just as we were getting ready to leave, James spotted an elk antler on the ground. That ended up going home with him.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Kids keep you busy.
Then it was back for a session of Wipeout. Auna showed up and James was off to play with her. James had talked about working on the 4 wheelers, so I went out and started on the brakes of the little one. After I fixed them, I tore the carb apart and cleaned it. It runs pretty good now, I rode it to the creek later and it hauled me with no problem. After James mowed he wanted to go to the creek, the first trip this year. When we finally got organized James drove the big 4 wheeler with Will in the trailer, I rode the little 4 wheeler and Will's cousin rode the motorcycle.
We had not been there for a minute when James found his first Agate. He sure has an eye for them, I ended up with a half dozen in my pocket.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Nothing Interesting!
Hope you had a good day!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Seaplane flying and Exploring

The area where we fly is aways from the parking lot so Vera had suggested I take the wagon. It fit into the storage compartment under the bed, a tight fit but with a little pushing it went in. It sure made the trip down to the lake a lot easier!
Vera got herself all set up on the bank where she could watch the flying and knit, read and listen to her MP3 player.
This model of a Dehavilland Beaver was probably the nicest model there today. I heard someone mention there were 13 planes there today.
Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206
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