Saturday, November 14, 2009

Flying with the kids

One of the planes James flew today, his Yak 55P.

Auna, James and Parker at the field.

James making a fly-by. There was lots of laughter and giggling going on.

The telephoto lens makes it look close to them, but it was much closer to me than them. I got out another plane that is a little simpler for Auna and Parker to try. All three of them ended up flying it and having a great time. I wish that I had thought to take pictures of them doing it, but I was having too much fun watching.

On the way home we stopped at Bettie's in Toledo for treats. The kids spotted this deer on the hill as we came down into Toledo. They bailed out of the motor home and ran out to look at it. Auna was back in a couple of minutes for the camera and James took this picture of it. We had a great day. It was one of the noisier rides to the field and back I have had for a while, but fun.
They are a good bunch of kids!

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