Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Plum Tree

This is the load of limbs I hauled away from the plum tree today.  I had to move them so I could get at the plum tree to pull it back up.  Yesterday I hauled off two trailer loads and you can see another pile in the background of the picture below.  I will probably end up hauling off four more loads.

This is the view from the carport after I got it pulled upright.  The weather didn't cooperate at times, we had rain, hail and sunshine today but luckily no snow.

It took me three tries to get the tree up like I wanted it.  The first two attempts were at the wrong angle.  I finally had to clear a trail that shows on the left side of tree.  There was an old stump back there that I hooked one cable winch onto.  The other cable winch went to a tow strap wrapped around the tree by one of the higher branches.  I still have to drive in a couple of stakes to hook the bottoms of the 2X6's to.

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