Sunday, October 31, 2021

Flying and Halloween

I have been watching the weather forecast and today looked great for flying so we headed up to the field this morning.  I only got the Skylane out and only flew four flights so I wouldn't get too tired.

Thirteen flyers showed up to enjoy the nice day and I had a good time visiting with everyone.
Just about every table was in use this afternoon.
The skydivers were out enjoying the sunshine also.
This is the jump plane coming in to land with Mt Rainier in the background.
Mt St Helens looked nice with it's fresh coating of snow.
I zoomed up on the top of Mt St Helens, it doesn't look like any place I want to go.
Josie was our first Trick or Treater.  She was kind of shy so I sat the pumpkin with the candy in it on the floor.  It was really cute when she grabbed the handle and headed for the door with the whole thing.
I am glad I snapped this picture of Rick and Tor as they came in the door because Tor's face doesn't show in the picture below.
Bridget, Tor and Jillian looked very cute in their Halloween costumes.  Four Trick or Treaters is about our normal amount.  It was sure fun seeing them.

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